Have questions?
If you don’t find your answer below, feel free to write to us.
If you’re all square with your old provider, we can do this within 24-48 hours. As long as you have all your company and login details to hand we should have you ready in that time. Plus we’ll guide you through the whole process.
That really depends on the size of your business, amount of transactions and what accounting package you pick. Generally we try to automate as many tasks for you as we can so you can get on with your day. We utilise bank sync on Xero and use HubDoc where we can for automated data entry. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be super tech savvy as we will set everything up for you. We also deal with HMRC and Companies House on your behalf wherever possible.
We do. Get in touch with any questions.
Yes we do, more information with the terms and conditions is available here.
We believe in our services and team so much we operate on a monthly rolling contract basis. That means there are no minimum periods to sign up for. We only ask for a month’s notice if you were to leave us.
The short answer is yes, but there are some terms and conditions and there could be some fees for reinstating your subscription – best to speak to your dedicated accountant who will advise.